MSC Cruises heeft met de steun van haar partner, het European Sleep Center (ESC), een programma gelanceerd dat is ontworpen om u te helpen, de belangrijkste elementen van goed slapen te ontdekken of te herontdekken om uw welzijn en levenskwaliteit zowel aan boord als daarbuiten te verbeteren. Omdat een cruise met MSC Cruises natuurlijk meer is dan een unieke, authentieke en verrijkende ontsnapping die een paar dagen duurt, zijn het ook de herinneringen en ervaringen die u mee naar huis neemt en deelt met uw dierbaren. We hopen dus van harte dat dit Enhanced Sleep Program u niet alleen zal helpen om nog meer van uw cruise te genieten, maar u ook energie geeft om uw levensstijl te blijven verbeteren
MSC-voorzieningen in de hutAanraken, zien, horen en ruiken
Fysieke ActiviteitenBuiten en Binnen
Gezond EtenAan boord en tijdens de excursies
MSC In-Cabin Amenities
Enhance the quality of your sleep on board an MSC cabin
Recent studies have shown that quality bedding improves your deep slow-wave sleep - the gold standard of sleep quality - by 7 to 15%, and also reduces the lenght and frequency of waking episodes during the night. That's why we at MSC have partnered with Dorelan, one of Italy's leading bedding specialist, to provide superlative bedding in your cabin: a premium firm mattress for effective support with a soft touch topper to help you "let go", resulting in less back pain and fewer waking moments during the night.
We also provide 2 diffrent kinds of pillows for evert bed. So you can immediately make your own choice of soft or firm comfort before exploring the many options of the Dorelan Pillow Menu in your cabin.

During the night, your breathing and heartbeat slow down to allow your body to recover from the previous day. Studies show that a certain type of music can cause your breathing and heartbeat to synchronise, helping your body relax and get ready for sleep. The ideal breathing rhythm is 6 inhalations and 6 exhalations per minute (5 seconds each). This is called the Cardiac Coherence Rhytm well known to sophrologists.
The cardiac coherence app provided for your convenience on channel 17 on your iTV from 20:00 to 02:00 hrs will help you reach cardiac coherence and induce sleep. You can also enjoy soothing Music Tracks on channel 17 to help you relax and unwind.
Physical Activity
A certain amount of physical activity is required during the day to trigger a restful night, especially of deep slow-wave sleep. Whether you're living it up on the dance floor or on an active excursion, we suggest you do 30 to 40 minutes of cardiovascular activity during the day at between 60 and 85% of your maximum heart rate*.
*Maximum HR = 220 - your age
Outdoor and Indoor Activity

Outdoor and Indoor Activity
The physical activity can be performed at any time in the day, whether outside - exploring one of our fabulous destinations, in the pool, on the walking track around the ship - or inside, in the MSC Gym, using one of our wide choice of Technogym equipment.
Our entertainment team offers a range of free fitness classes: muscular awakening stretching, aerobics, pilates and aerostretching. Please check the Daily Program in your cabin for information on our daily fitness class times and locations.
Our fitness instructors offer you a selection of paying classes in the MSC Gym.
The ideal scenario is to have finished your training 4 hours before going to bed.
The quality of our food influences our alertness and sleep quality.
Quality and variety are much more important than quantity.
Eating must remain a pleasure especially during a cruise.
Some foods improve alertness in the morning.
Pick and choose from the foods in the chart below to suit your testes and habits.

